The AzuraQuant™ Green Fast qPCR Mix is a ready-to-use 2x master mix comprised of a non-inhibitory intercalating dye, Azura HS Taq DNA Polymerase and a highly optimized reaction buffer for use in real-time quantitative PCR assays.
In order to confirm instrument compatibility and the most suitable reagent, please click here for qPCR Reagent Compatibility Tool.
The AzuraQuant™ Green Fast qPCR Mix reliably quantifies any DNA template including cDNA, complex GC-rich genomic sequences, viral DNA and low-copy number targets. The ready-to-use 2x master mix delivers an increased limit of detection with best-in-class sensitivity, speed, and reproducibility. The AzuraQuant™ Green Fast qPCR Mix requires little if any optimization.
Compatible with standard and fast cycling instruments and a wide range of cycling parameters.
Hot-Start chemistry reduces primer-dimer formation and allows room-temperature assembly.
High-performance amplification from any DNA template including complex GC-rich sequences.
A non-inhibitory intercalating dye and optimized buffer chemistry provides an increased limit of detection.